- Make Some WavesBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: Being a bit naughty can be nice on your birthday!BR027
- Hello Little OneBaby Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: The world welcomes you!BR026
- Morning GloriesMagnet$4.95 $2.50Quick ShopBRM03
- Fruit & BerriesMagnet$4.95 $2.50Quick ShopBRM12
- Delight in Small ThingsBaby Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: Congratulations on your tiny new bundle.BR039
- Humdinger BirthdayBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: have a humdinger of a birthdayBR054
- Birthday DeerBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: to my deerest friend!BR065
- Sweet Little BirthdayBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: have a sweet little day!BR051
- Birthday BlissBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: Have a heavenly birthday.BR020
- Heaven’s GainSympathy Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: is Heaven's gain. CondolencesBR040
- Ferris Wheel BirthdayBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: have a wheely good day!BR053
- Butterfly LanternsBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: may your birthday be full of fun from the moment it starts to the moment it's done!BR062
- Sunny DayBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: because of cheery friends like you! Happy BirthdayBR042
- Never ForgottenSympathy Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: gone but never forgotten. CondolencesBR060
- Thanks A BunchThank You Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: You're the best!BR016
- Cheer UpGet Well Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: Get well coon!BR005
- Someone So SpecialSympathy Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: Will be remembered always. Heartfelt condolences.BR015
- Let Them Eat CakeBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: Happy BirthdayBR007
- Life Is Better FriendsFriendship Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: because of girlfriends. Thanks for being one of the best.BR032
- Christmas Wishes AnimalsChristmas Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: May joy surround you this holiday season!BR728
- Birthday Hoot OwlBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: Hope it's a hoot!BR037
- On the MendGet Well Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: this finds you on the mend.BR033
- Thinking of You DovesSympathy Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: With deepest sympathy.BR029
- Trapeze BirthdayBirthday Greeting Card$2.99 $1.50Quick ShopINSIDE GREETING: have a high flying time on your birthday!BR056